Tuesday 27 October 2009

Response to Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth'

After watching the Al Gore DVD, An Inconvenient Truth, all I could think of was that we’re doomed. It seems pretty impossible to be able to cut our waste by enough to stop major environmental change happening soon!! But that it was Gore is trying to get people to realise - that we need to act. I think that the film is good in some ways because it can be used to bring this issue of sustainability back to Earth and make it hit home for all the people who don’t realise the magnitude of what we are doing.
I do think they deserved the Nobel Peace Prize because it is a pioneering documentary – yes, studies had been done before but Al Gore had the capability to make them heard to a much wider audience, this is a key thing.
I think that after watching the film that hardly anyone would be able to ignore its message. This means that it has a positive influence on people to become more sustainable and more educated about the environment around us. This is such a valuable thing because education is key to sustainability.
The film was good in the fact that it had concrete information about our environment that no-one can dispute, whereas in conversation about climate change it is difficult to back up your argument and therefore difficult to convince someone of its effects. Al Gore was also able to prove an opposing argument obsolete; the fact that many people argue that global warming is natural and has occurred in the past. Gore acknowledged that fact but, with evidence, showed that it had not happened to the extent or with the rapidity of today. He showed that these two things were the problem – he made it so that no-one could contradict him, therefore making is a very good film.


  1. Resoundingly positive
    However many others have felt it was not effective, was irrelevant in parts and also 'boring'.
    The man could do many things with his money and power and he chooses to do this. Good on him.
    Come on Bill Gates, the Pope ...you do something!!

  2. Some thoughtful comments here. Are there any web links you could add to this blog? Perhaps to provide evidence to back-up your argument or sources of further information for the reader to follow up?
