Friday 13 November 2009

Informed Citizens?

An informed citizen is supposed to be able to make informed decisions. This is important in a democratic society. The media and the Government can only provide the information for us to then utilise. I think that it is our duty to take an interest in how our country is run because it affects our everyday lives. I’ve always thought that it was quite hypocritical of people that complained about politics etc, who didn’t even care to learn about our political system or to vote! People can be very susceptible to the media and that has the potential for great change. For example in recent times the BNP has gained a lot of popularity, I believe this to be because only some of their beliefs and policies are portrayed to general public. If the same people took it upon themselves to read their manifesto on their website I think that quite a few of them would be shocked and would change their minds!! It is because of precisely this that it is an individual’s own responsibility to be informed and to gain a non-biased knowledge. Only then can decisions at a higher level be made and truly reflect the views of the population.

There is a lot that I don’t know that I probably should but I know how to find information that I need so that I can hear all sides of an argument before forming an opinion. I think I am a sufficiently informed citizen and that there are many people who are not as informed as me and who will believe everything they hear in the media. This is why the obvious media, such as newspapers, is not the only way that people should be informed, there are many other ways to research important issues such as books, the internet, documentaries and even word of mouth. This is how I become informed on serious issues. It is important to be able to tell if something is biased and what is true and what is not.

Complicated decisions are made easier when they are shared. The complicated decisions that affect our everyday lives should not just be left to someone else to deal with because they are too difficult. I think that with these decisions it would be best to involve many people (informed people) together to decide, together, what it is best to do. This way the result reflects the views of the people more than it would if left up to only a few people.

1 comment:

  1. This worked then!!

    I suppose you are as informed as you want to be. Everyone has a perception of the world around them that is built upon what is required in their lives. I guess that if you really need to make important decisions people would make the effort to find out about an issue...or am I being idealistic?
